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A photo of staff at the SUBL – S.A.V.E.D 4 Life Mammogram/Cancer Screening.

The highest rate of cancer in the Bronx is breast cancer. The New York Cancer Registry recorded  from 2015-2019 that 947 Bronx females tested positive for breast cancer and 186 Bronx women died of breast cancer.

To help increase breast cancer awareness and increase annual testing, Step Up for Better Living (SUBL) and partner S.A.V.E.D 4 Life in collaboration with the American-Italian Cancer Foundation provided free Mammogram screenings. On April 28, a mobile mammogram bus was located outside our Hoe Ave office location where our clients and the community received FREE breast cancer screenings, education, and counseling. This service was appreciated and a need for the community.

A photo of staff and participants at the SUBL – S.A.V.E.D 4 Life Mammogram/Cancer Screening.

Step Up for Better Living operates under Senior Living Options, Inc. (DBA Step Up for Better Living), a nonprofit dedicated to providing housing stability, food assistance, and community support in the South Bronx. Donations may be listed under Senior Living Options, Inc.