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Step Up Story: Linda Jamison


Manhattan, NY Assistance: Housing Advocacy, Socialization/Recreational Linda Jamison is a recent addition to the Step Up for Better Living family….

Step Up Story: Charlene Daughtrey


Assistance: Case Management, Housing Advocacy, Recreational and Food Pantry Services Charlene Daughtrey has been a client with Step Up for…

Step Up Story: QA


Ms. Q.A. is a member of our senior client group and has been a client of SUBL since 2020. She has mainly received senior services such as help with filling out applications…

Step Up Story: Sarah Morris


Sarah Morris has been a client with Step Up for Better Living since 2013. Ms. Morris has received assistance with advocacy for housing assistance…

Step Up Story: YS


Ms. YS moved from Pennsylvania to the Bronx recently and is a fairly new client to SUBL. Ms. YS was referred to SUBL through the Unite Us platform for assistance in submitting housing applications.

Step Up Story: Fiorella Telles


“Your circumstances today don’t always determine your tomorrow.”  That’s what our friend and client Fiorella Telles believes, and she would…

Remembering Our Client, April E.


Our commitment to our clients goes beyond the services we provide. For us, it’s personal. No member of the Step…

Step Up Stories: Leslie and Trinity


Meet Leslie and her daughter Trinity! The Step Up team met them recently at BronxWorks, where we went to volunteer…

Step Up for Better Living operates under Senior Living Options, Inc. (DBA Step Up for Better Living), a nonprofit dedicated to providing housing stability, food assistance, and community support in the South Bronx. Donations may be listed under Senior Living Options, Inc.