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Image of families disembarking from a bus at Dorney Park

Every summer, Step Up for Better Living (SUBL) has the privilege of hosting one of the most anticipated events of the year: the annual family outing to Dorney Park. This cherished tradition offers families from the South Bronx a day of fun, adventure, and most importantly, a break from the challenges they face every day.

For many of the families we serve, opportunities for leisure and recreation are few and far between. Financial constraints, work obligations, and the stresses of daily life often leave little room for experiences that so many of us take for granted. That’s why our annual Dorney Park outing is so much more than just a day at the amusement park—it’s a chance for families to bond, create lasting memories, and enjoy the simple joy of being together in a carefree environment.

A Day of Joy and Connection

On the day of the outing, you can feel the excitement in the air as families board the buses that will take them from the South Bronx to Dorney Park. For many of the children, this is their first time visiting an amusement park, and the anticipation is palpable. The smiles, the laughter, and the wide-eyed wonder are what make this day so special.

Once at the park, families are free to explore and enjoy everything Dorney Park has to offer. From thrilling roller coasters to gentle kiddie rides, there’s something for everyone. But beyond the rides and attractions, the day is about connection—families spending quality time together, parents seeing their children light up with joy, and kids making new friends as they navigate the park together.

An Opportunity for Respite

Life in the South Bronx can be incredibly challenging. Many of the families we work with face issues like housing instability, food insecurity, and financial hardship. The daily grind of these struggles can be exhausting, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s why events like the Dorney Park outing are so important—they provide a much-needed respite, a day to relax and recharge.

For parents, it’s a chance to step away from their worries, if only for a few hours, and simply enjoy the presence of their children. For kids, it’s an opportunity to be carefree, to let their imaginations run wild, and to experience the thrill of new adventures. These moments of joy are not just fleeting—they’re the kind of memories that families hold onto, that help sustain them through tougher times.

A Community Effort

Our annual Dorney Park outing wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of our donors, volunteers, and community partners. It’s a true community effort, with everyone coming together to ensure that these families can have a day of fun and relaxation. From funding transportation and tickets to providing meals and snacks, every contribution helps make the day a success.

We’re incredibly grateful to everyone who supports this event year after year. Your generosity allows us to continue offering this special experience to families who might otherwise never have the opportunity to visit a place like Dorney Park.

Looking Ahead

As we reflect on another successful outing, we’re already looking forward to next year’s trip. We know that for the families we serve, the Dorney Park outing is more than just a day out—it’s a beacon of hope, a reminder that they are supported by a community that cares about their well-being.

Thank you to everyone who makes this day possible. Together, we’re creating lasting memories and strengthening the bonds that hold our community together.