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Stories from our staff continue this month with a highlight from Syeda, a SUBL team member who is dedicated to supporting our clients.

As I was completed helping Ms. Morris who needed assistance with her housing recertification, I overheard her state “thank you so much I always get confused filling out these documents, and I don’t like asking for help as some people will make you feel stupid. 

But I thank you for your assistance, you didn’t make me feel crazy asking questions, and you were beyond helpful.  I was feeling down when I walked in, but you made me laugh and you don’t know how much that helped.” 

She went on to state that She is glad SUBL is here as we have always been helpful when she needed us. 

Our team is truly dedicated to our mission. It takes patience, understanding, and empathy to work with our clients and we are thankful for them each and every day.

Step Up for Better Living operates under Senior Living Options, Inc. (DBA Step Up for Better Living), a nonprofit dedicated to providing housing stability, food assistance, and community support in the South Bronx. Donations may be listed under Senior Living Options, Inc.